If you have been arrested or charged with a crime in Greenville or anywhere else in South Carolina, you need to retain experienced and skilled criminal defense attorneys. You want to give yourself the best chance to avoid jail time. And the best Greenville criminal defense attorneys maintain a full arsenal of defense strategies to […]
Are DUI Checkpoints in Greenville, SC Legal?
Here in Greenville and other parts of South Carolina, DUI checkpoints are legal and are common. These are legally termed “traffic checkpoints.” As the summer comes on and various driving holidays approach, checkpoints are going to proliferate. An ABC4 news article from last summer provides a good example of publicity surrounding the checkpoints. See here. […]
Defending a DUI After a Warrantless Nonconsensual Blood Draw
If you have been arrested for a DUI in Greenville or any other part of upstate South Carolina, it is important to have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. Often, as a part of a DUI arrest, the law enforcement officers conduct sobriety testing including a possible field test, roadside breathalyzer […]
What Are the Levels of DUI Crimes in Greenville, South Carolina?
What Are the Levels of DUI Crimes in Greenville, South Carolina? This article discusses the various DUI crimes in South Carolina. In brief, there are four statutory crimes: Driving under the influence causing impairment — S. Car. Code, §56-5-2930 Driving with an unlawful blood alcohol concentration — S. Car. Code, §56-5-2933 (see above link) Felony […]
Frequently Asked DUI Questions
Driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a crime here in South Carolina. Here are a few FAQs about DUI arrests. Why Did I Get Pulled Over? In general, law enforcement officers must have probable cause — or at least a reasonable suspicion — before “pulling you over.” That likely means […]
Murder, Manslaughter and Attempted Murder in Greenville, SC
Homicide in South Carolina is criminally punishable whether the killing was done with intent, without intent or accidentally. If you have been arrested for one of these crimes, it is essential to hire a proven and skilled criminal defense attorney like H. Chase Harbin. This article discusses murder, manslaughter, and attempted murder. Crime in […]
Can The Prosecutors Obtain Your Emails Stored Overseas?
The people of Greenville and South Carolina are entitled to certain levels of privacy including the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement. Increasingly, issues with respect to privacy relate to what is on our smartphones, devices and computers. For example, if we are accused of a crime, do the […]
Hotel Guests Have Fourth Amendment Privacy Rights
If you are traveling to Greenville or other communities here in upstate South Carolina, you have constitutional privacy rights when you stay at a hotel, motel or other lodging. South Carolina criminal law recognizes your rights to privacy with respect to your home and with respect to other places where you have a “reasonable expectation […]
DUI Laws and Criminal Penalties/Fines
Here in Greenville and upstate South Carolina, it is a crime to drive a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol use or with high blood alcohol concentrations. If you find yourself pulled over and arrested for driving under the influence, call experienced DUI defense attorneys like the ones at The Law Office of H. Chase […]
How To Prove Mere Possession When You Are Charged With Intent To Distribute
Here in Greenville and in South Carolina generally, there are three broad categories of drug crimes: possession, possession with intent to distribute (“PWID”) and trafficking. Mere possession is a misdemeanor; the other two are felonies. The penalties are different depending on the drug(s) you are found possessing. If you are arrested and charged with a […]
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