Sadly, we hear about car accidents in Greenville and surrounding areas of South Carolina and the country every day. A South Carolina trooper was killed on I-385 when hit by a truck while parked in the emergency lane; another man was killed while crossing the street; and four were injured and taken to the hospital following a car crash on Augusta Road.
There are so many families experiencing loss after these car accidents; whether that happens through their own injuries, the loss of a loved one, or all of the associated pain and suffering that comes with car accidents.
Fault & Recovery in SC Car Accidents
While sometimes these Greenville car accidents just happen without anyone in particular being at fault, in other circumstances, a driver is simply driving too fast for conditions or not paying attention to the road. Larger vehicles such as tractor-trailers, buses, or trains can collide and cause everyone on the road to suffer from severe injuries, particularly if hazardous materials are released. For example, just recently (on October 29th), a pickup truck hit a car carrying six people on a nighttime hayride here in South Carolina, sending them to the hospital with serious injuries.
Accidents like these can be particularly difficult to recover from when children are involved. Not only do families often end up with a mountain of medical bills, high deductibles, and a variety of charges that insurance companies won’t cover, but children involved in these accidents can end up with traumatic brain injuries, taking a lifetime to recover—that is, if they are able to. Sometimes they simply live with the pain and suffering of their injuries for the rest of their lives.
Medical Advances for Spinal Cord Injuries after Car Accidents
Recently, one 32-year-old man who was left paralyzed from the waist down after a serious accident benefited from electric stimulation to his spinal cord. He can now stand on his feet and even move again as a result of the therapy. As recently published in the journal Scientific Reports, doctors were essentially able to re-awaken his nerves using a process known as spinal cord epidural stimulation.
The process works by placing a stimulator inside the body and wiring it to a central pattern generator, which then effectively interprets sensory information and moves muscles. By sending a command such as ‘move the right leg,’ nerve cells are awakened in the spinal cord and, over time, build new neural pathways to the brain. After approximately 44 months, a patient can stand independently and move their limbs even when the device isn’t switched on.
Researchers have reported that this advance will allow many who have experienced complete spinal cord injuries in car accidents to eventually undergo rehabilitation.
Distracted Driving & Road Rage Cause Car Accidents in South Carolina
While many are familiar with research from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration demonstrating that distracted driving alone leads to at least nine deaths and more than 1,000 injuries on our roadways every day (and it’s cited as the number one cause of death on the job), fewer are aware of the pervasiveness and danger that lurks with issues related to road rage. One study by AAA found that nearly 80 percent of the entire population admitted to not only getting angry at other drivers, but taking things perhaps a step too far by tailgating, cutting another car off, and/or purposely merging into another car’s lane, etc. Many of these incidents lead to serious car accidents here in Greenville, South Carolina on a regular basis.
Stay Safe on Roads with Tractor-Trailers

Traveling over the holidays? Steer clear of Greenville car accidents with the help of these tips from Chase Harbin law firm.
With the upcoming holiday season, it is important that you stay safe while traveling alongside big rigs to avoid any serious car accidents. While you are on the road, keep in mind that it is wise to:
- Implement the “No Zone Standard”. If you cannot see drivers in their side mirrors, they probably can’t see you. A “no zone” is a blind spot for large trucks and buses around the front, back, and sides of the vehicle.
- Avoid cutting off big trucks. Instead, allow them extra turning room. Also, wear your seatbelt, stay focused, and never drive while fatigued or under the influence.
- Keep in mind that the white stop bars painted on roadways near stop signs are good places to stop so that semis can make a left or right turn there. It can be difficult for these trucks to stop or take evasive action at the last minute due to any loads they might be carrying.
- Try to keep at least six car lengths between you and the car in front of you.
- Implement good driving habits, such as driving defensively, passing quickly, dimming bright lights, and always signaling.
- Avoid following too closely to big trucks because when you drive a regular two or four-door vehicle, if you crash into them, you will often end up underneath the trailers, and many of these types of accidents end in fatalities.
- Feel free to use the left lane to pass big trucks—it is wiser than staying in their blind spot and tailgating them.
- Always plan ahead: when you are in a hurry, you are more likely to exceed the speed limit and drive too aggressively.
Seek Legal Guidance from Experienced Greenville Car Accident Attorneys
If you have been in an accident where you suffered injuries, it is crucial to consult with an experienced car accident attorney here in Greenville as soon as possible. Not only can dealing with the insurance claims process be frustrating, but keep in mind that insurance companies seek to guard their own finances as much as possible, which can interfere with your ability to obtain what you need to recover. Contact the attorneys at the Law Office of H. Chase Harbin today for a free consultation and for more information.

Chase Harbin is a Criminal Defense Lawyer who practices in Pickens and Greenville, SC. He graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law, and has been practicing law for 17 years now. Chase Harbin believes in defending the accused. Learn more about his experience by clicking here.