If you have an on the job injury you may require the services of a workers compensation attorney. The long term ramifications of a work related accident can be a serious matter. Many times a Here in South Carolina, if a worker is injured on the job during the course of employment, the worker may be entitled to compensation, including medical expenses, disability benefits, and compensation that might equal the entire amount of injury-related expenses. It is important that, once an injury occurs, the employee immediately notify their supervisor about the accident. If you do not notify the supervisor your worker’s comp claim can possibly be denied. If it is denied due to you not notifying your supervisor in a timely manner, you may need a workers compensation attorney to arbitrate. So remember be sure to notify your supervisor about your accident as soon as possible. If your claim is denied
The process of filing a workers’ compensation claim is different from a regular medical claim. In South Carolina, an employer can contest a workers’ comp claim to the Workers’ Compensation Commission for review. As the employee, it is up to you to file the appropriate paperwork so that the Commission can make the appropriate determination regarding your case. At this point, if this happens you will probably want to request the services of a workers compensation attorney.
Chase Harbin knows the process for filing an appropriate workers’ compensation claim. If you or your loved ones suffer a work-related injury, please contact Chase Harbin to discuss how he can assist with your case.
Suffering any injury is a difficult time, and work-related accidents cost more than just a paycheck. It is important to contact an attorney who has the experience necessary to act on your behalf so you receive proper compensation for your injury. Before signing any paperwork with your employer or their insurance company, it is important to speak with a workers compensation attorney so your rights are protected.