If you have been arrested for a DUI in Greenville or any other part of upstate South Carolina, it is important to have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney by your side. Often, as a part of a DUI arrest, the law enforcement officers conduct sobriety testing including a possible field test, roadside breathalyzer […]
Greenville SC Personal Injury Law – Bicycle Accidents
As winter turns to spring and summer approaches, more and more pedestrians and bicyclists will be on the roads of Greenville. That means an increase in bicycle accidents which often result in serious injuries and are statistically more fatal than accidents involving only vehicles. And, for obvious reasons, it is the cyclist that is the […]
Greenville SC Auto Accident Lawyers Can Help If You Are Injured in a St. Patrick’s Day Car Wreck
Under normal circumstances, driving on the roads and highway of upstate South Carolina can be dangerous. Road construction, traffic congestion, weather conditions, mechanical failures and other causes can lead to wrecks and collisions. But when drivers drink and drive or drive while under the influence of drugs, the dangers increase by magnitudes. Certain holidays — […]
Car Accidents in Greenville: Causes, Medical Advances, and Staying Safe During the Holidays
Sadly, we hear about car accidents in Greenville and surrounding areas of South Carolina and the country every day. A South Carolina trooper was killed on I-385 when hit by a truck while parked in the emergency lane; another man was killed while crossing the street; and four were injured and taken to the hospital following a […]
How Do Insurance Companies Calculate Pain and Suffering From a Car Accident?
If you were in a car accident in South Carolina, you may have questions about the potential value of your claim. While calculating damages related to car repairs, medical bills, and lost wages is easy because you have receipts and bills to back them up, assigning a value to your pain and suffering is more […]
Uninsured Motorist Kills South Carolina Man in Long Auto Accident
South Carolina’s Highway Patrol is reporting a fatal accident involving a moped driver and a passenger vehicle, according to a recent WBTV news report. The 39-year-old moped driver was killed when a Chrysler 300 hit the moped from behind. The accident occurred near Charter Drive and Turn Plow Drive in Long. The driver of the […]
South Carolina Drivers Ranked Third Worst in the Nation, Study Shows
A 2016 study conducted by CarInsuranceComparison.com (CIC) based on recent data released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) found South Carolina drivers rank the third worst in the nation, according to a news report issued by the Post and Courier. Data used in the study cites statistics analyzed for roadway fatalities, careless driving, […]
In South Carolina, Can Wrongful Death Be Claimed in Auto Accidents?
Like most civil lawsuits, in a personal injury case a plaintiff – or the person initiating the lawsuit in court – bears the burden of proof. This applies to both establishing that an injury occurred for which monetary compensation is an adequate remedy and that the fault of the accident was the defendant’s. Because determining […]
How Can You Prove that Another Driver Was Liable For Your Auto Accident?
Sometimes it is obvious who caused an auto accident. If a driver was seen by many witnesses to be driving aggressively; if the driver was drunk; if the driver was seen speeding (or driving too fast for conditions); if the driver ran a red light, or if the driver was clearly distracted; then it may not be […]
South Carolina’s Car Insurance Laws
South Carolina is a fault-based car insurance state. This means that at-fault parties are liable for any damages sustained by the victim as a result of a car crash. In some cases, victims are able to recover the amount from the at-fault driver’s insurer, but in other situations victims are required to file a lawsuit […]